Friday, May 10, 2013

Drug Testing Welfare Recipients

These are my thoughts to the post written by Kristin Deshazo about drug testing welfare recipients.

I strongly agree with Kristin about this bill to drug test welfare recipients, especially those with a history of drug abuse. As a mother who has previously received welfare benefits, I understand the importance of having to receive benefits to feed your family and I feel it isn't fair to those who are honestly just trying to survive and take care of their families. I have personally known people who have children and would sell their benefits to buy drugs. I think its a good idea to issue the benefits of a person who has failed a drug test to a close family member, like a grandparent. I am also happy with the direction that this bill is going and I hope and pray that it helps many children who suffer from this issue. I strongly believe that if a person who receives benefits is going to use it on drugs or something that doesn't benefit their children they don't deserve any type of help except rehab or some other type of professional help.